Sunday, March 27, 2016

Home Insurance Quotes

Learn what factors impact your Homeowners Insurance quote.

What Information Will I Need?

Your time is important, so we'll try to get you through the quote process as quickly as possible. In many cases we can fill in your property information automatically based on public records, but having the following information nearby will make things easier:

Your current policy (if you have one)

    Home purchase date

    Approximate year your home was built

    Approximate total living area (sq. ft.)

    Roof material type and approximate age of roof

    Foundation type

    Material on outside walls

    Any home safety devices you have (fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, dead bolts, etc.)

If you're a condo homeowner, learn about the information you'll need on hand to get a condo insurance quote.

What Factors Affect My Rate?

When you request a home insurance quote, the calculated rate – and ultimately the cost of your home insurance policy – is influenced by several factors:

    Your Home's Age & Condition: Homeowners insurance quotes from Liberty Mutual are designed to capture the current value of your home based on the information you provide, including building materials and the condition of key components such as the roof, furnace, electrical and plumbing systems. If you have an older home, the materials used to build it may now be unavailable or more expensive to replace.

    Your Home's Replacement Value: A key factor that affects home insurance rates is the estimated cost of replacing your house. Not the current tax assessment or market value of your home, but the actual cost to rebuild the structure of your home. So for example, if your home was knocked over in a storm – how much would it cost to rebuild it? That's the replacement value. And not only are materials and labor taken into account, but so is inflation and availability of materials.

    Your Address: Where you live will influence your home insurance quote. Certain areas that are more heavily affected by weather and other factors tend to produce more claims, causing home insurance rates to be higher. This means that you may pay higher premiums if, for example, you live near a large body of water, or in a neighborhood prone to brush fires or mud slides. Repair and construction costs also vary by region, which is another factor in your home insurance quote.

    Safety and Security: Having dead bolt locks, a burglar alarm, smoke detectors and other home safety features will all help you save money on your home insurance quote.

Understanding these factors and ways to qualify for Home Insurance Discounts will help you save on the cost of homeowners insurance. If you already have a policy and are comparing home insurance quotes, it helps to review your existing home insurance policy for current coverage, limits and deductible amounts.

What Coverage is Best for Me?

When purchasing a home insurance policy, you want to make sure that you're getting the coverage you need to fit your specific situation. You can learn more in our Home Insurance Coverage section. Once you're ready, you can get an online home insurance quote and we can answer any questions you have along the way.

What if I Need to Talk to Someone?

If you need help during the online quote process, agents are available to chat with you online while you're in the quoting application. But you can also give us a call or contact your Local Agent to get the same great customer experience.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Select the right relationship

I want everybody to close their eyes. I want you to imagine being in love. Maybe you have been in love, maybe you hope to be in love. What was that like? Your heart starts racing, your stomach gets all weird. You call up your best friend and say:" Oh, my gosh, I think I just met the love of my life!" In three weeks. We figured that out so quick. 

We make these very quick decisions. All of our emotion comes rushing so quickly. But then, what happens down the road? We realize, "What were we thinking?"50% of marriages fail.  Why? Two of my very good friends called me within a week of each other and told me that their marriage of over ten years had failed, even though everyone else around them knew that they weren't making a good decision at the time. You know, my best friend -Her mother and I knew over ten years ago that the guy that she picked was kind of controlling; he was dismissive towards women, and he really wanted a woman that would stay home, cook, clean, and have their child. And my friend was not at all interested in that, she was singing jazz in New York City. She was very happy to have that life, but that's not what he was interested in. But somewhere along the way, she fell in love with him, and so she sacrificed for the family, she sacrificed for what she thought was the right decision. And ten years down the road, she realized she didn't recognize herself, and then she decided to leave. 

A women asked me the other day -she was complaining, at 40, saying that there was no good men left. And she said that the only men that are out there are the Peter Pan guys. The men who, as she described, don't want to grow up, that they don't want to have kids, they don't want to get married, they don't want to settle down. And she spent all her time and energy trying to 'un-Peter-Pan' them. And she asked me, what do I think, why does this come about, why can't she find anybody, and why can't she fix this situation. So I say to her: "How honest do you want me to be? "And she said, "Oh, yes, very honest! I'm really serious.  I want to fix this problem.  How do I do this? "And I said: "Well, I think you're investing all your energy in people that are really happy. They're totally fine. Why should they get married, have kids, and settle down? They don't want to, you do. "So, the issue is your focus, the issue is your perspective. How are we selecting partners? 

And why are we trying to force them to change? Or, why are we ignoring who they are, or the red flags that are right in front of our face ?I have women all the time, complaining - in their 30s, 40s, and 50sthat they can't find the man of their dreams or woman of their dreams. I have men complaining that they feel that they're being overlooked because they are the good guy, the nice guy, the friend, and what they find is that people are dating the unavailable person, the player, the pathological liar, the person who's already married. So, we make all these decisions in our relationships, and we end up two, three years down the road, ten years down the road, in despair. We struggle to try to find the relationship that we want, whether that leads to marriage or just to long term commitment. Why do we repeat this cycle over and over and over again? And the woman that asked me earlier- that I had talked about, that asked my advice about why this happens -says: "Oh, no! 

I don't date the Peter Pan guys. I just see them out there. Well, except the last two relationships, I did date the Peter Pan guy. ""Oh, OK, so, you do date them.  So why do you choose them? "She couldn't really explain it. And then she just kept coming back and saying: "No, no, I don't really date them. ""OK, except the last two. "So, she became really defensive in this conversation and was denying the truth that everyone else around her could see- the people that loved her the most, her friends, her family. So I asked myself: on the path of love, what happens? 

What do we do? It starts off beautiful, wonderful, perfect. You're totally in love with this person in a very short period of time. And then, we see a red flag, but we ignore it because we say: "No, no.  It must be us.  We're crazy.  We're too picky. "But the problem is that our friends and family see it too. And they are concerned.  

Best 12 Amazing Benefits And Reasons To Love Avocado

Unfortunately, many people do not know, how amazingly beneficial an avocado is.  It is a fount of useful vegetable oils and vitamins, and a ripe avocado fruit can be cooked as a salad, which is a delicious treat for your family.  Today I shall talk about, another12 amazing benefits and reasons to love avocado. 
1: Avocado protects eyesight Avocado contains carotenoids, that protects eyesight, and maintains your vision as long as possible.  Eat an avocado every day, to protect your eyes for years to come. 

2: Grappling with cholesterol You can effectively reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, by eating just one avocado everyday.  It comprises of multiple elements including foliate and vitamin A, which is not only fighting with the bad cholesterol, but also prevents the risk of developing heart disease.

3: It keeps pressure to normal level Avocado helps with hypertension.  It contains high amounts of magnesium and potassium, that helps to lower blood pressure.  It turns out that, the fruit contains several times more potassium and magnesium, than bananas and kiwi. 

4: Avocado prevents hepatitis It is ideal for protecting the liver.  Because avocados are rich in, vitamin C and vitaminE, which prevents hepatitis, as well as reduce the risk of cancer tumors in the liver. 

5: It prevents the risk of cancer Vitamin E, Vitamin A, lutein, monounsaturated fat like oleic acid, all these substances in avocados, allows to avoid and treat cancer, especially breast cancer. 

6: Avocado is a food for the brain How to keep the brain healthy into old age? The answer is, eat avocados everyday.  It increases blood circulation, so that affects the brain.  Avocado protects blood vessels, and its cognitive abilities.  Moreover, a good blood supply improves memory, mood, and increases efficiency. 

7: Avocado helps to lose weight Avocado is the perfect food for those, who are struggling with being overweight.  Yes, avocado itself contains fat, and has a high caloric index.  However, it has a fiber composition, which is able to trick the feeling of hunger, thus not putting the body to gain fat.  Your brain thinks that the body is full, and you lose the annoying extra kilos. 

8: Avocado strengthens the immune system As mentioned above, Avocados are very rich in fiber.  It is essential for the immune system. In addition, its vitamin C increases the immunity. 

9: Avocado cleanses the body Avocado has good amount of glutathione, which cleanses the body.

10: Avocado keeps you young Avocado prolongs youth.  The fruit is rich with vitamin A and E.  They are useful to smoothed wrinkles on the skin, reduces the size of inflamed lesions, acne, and maintain skin elasticity. 

11: Avocado is struggling with women's diseases Women should think about, the incredibly beneficial properties of avocado.  Large amounts of vitamins and minerals, have beneficial effect on many of the organs of the female body.  Avocados can protect your, unborn baby.  Also its folic acid, can reduce the risk of birth defects. 

12: Avocado has a stimulating effect Avocado effectively affects the reproductive system, and its functionality.  

Therefore, the fruit is able to strengthen, and initiate sexual performance, in both men and women. So, what else do you need, to stay healthy in your life? Start eating avocado everyday and stay healthy. 

How to Create Good Karma for Love, Money and Health

Do you feel sometimes I see certain type of event keep repeating themselves in your life? Or would you like to change some situations? Some relationships? Or even if you can't to at least understand why you are in those positions? Or do you feel bad because you have some health issues and your are in pain either physically emotionally or mentally ?Well I'm really happy that you arrived to this website or this video my name is Angela Andueza and I hope can help.

Originally I studied a BA in Management in London, and I worked there for seven years, but then I went back to Spain I quieted all that and I became a teacher and an energy therapist, I have studied many different moralities and for the last two years.

I´ve been doing a training and also working with another tool which is, in my opinion, amazing and the person who teaches it in Spain is not well known but he is a genius and he has been researching this for thirty years and it´s Akashic Records readings through some "keys" that he has developed and we call this process to put "order", and this is. . .  I just wanted to share with you this: the karma energy is like a slow motion movie with these images that leave a trail behind and these memories are energy information around us, and whenever it is dense and it has some trauma some pain, feelings of anger, sadness, fear they keep attracting those type of situations. So what we do with this process: it´s we transmute that memory, that "chaos" memory, into an "ordered" memory.  Why "order"? Because nature when it is in balance it has some inner order, some harmony; the proportions of the molecules, the shapes, the fractal, how the trees and some leaves grow, in that proportion, mathematically, and that's what we do: we take this energy which is dense and with a low vibration and we put it in "order".  And how do we do this?

Well, through forgiveness.  Forgiveness though needs to be understood differently it doesn't mean that you need to Agrium's or think that something terrible funded bust is suddenly okay no it is rather up process of late teen girl releasing and secondly you actually need to buy rates that frequency and sometimes we think we do but we don't because we have all their energies around s that don't allow us to waive rate is strong enough so if you keep watching I'm going to share some really unique information I'll all the energies around us that affect us I'm going to share some tips I'll how you can actually do some heating at home by yourself and of course you can contact me through their website and order Acision reading with me which would be fantastic if I am this position right now to help you we probably where in different situations it passed the house so I thank you ready for giving me the opportunity to be here right now and a hole that you keep worksheet so I'm going to explain to you right now the situation in activity some I'm going to grow picture person there is a simple dro it okay and other draw a picture of some karma memory very out take care energy as we were saying here and these in memory is attached us either to let check points or  chill in energy old love part of our body and a what happens is that it directly affects the way we feel or the way we talk the sky or not memory as ale is said lady friend emotions you could be made for example anger and these and carpenter is said by fear I'm really here.

They see this summer satin this lead 28 and all these emotions are also keeping the memory live in fact for example when we deposition we have hmmm any which come into us we have to deal with it from different angles in my case i for example they can remember now animator bigger I was getting for myself a bigger media like dramatic without helix letters bigger and sometimes these bigger was feeling angry some does he was feeling sad so I have to reconcile all those different emotions and even if be sometimes it's difficult for us to speak about it weekend definitely see how some of those emotions safety net right now even if Haiti’s something that death and related to less anymore best that life so when we do the Haley we start to feel differently and to think differently I went grown-up another I energy aspects that affect us 

Why Love Is So Good For Your Health

Humans are social creatures.  We live together in cities and crave being close to one another. But is being social actually good for our health? Hey guys, Amy here on Dews. Some not great news for single folk.  According to a 2002 review in the American Journal of Sociology, uncoupled people have higher levels of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, adjustment problems, and demonstrate suicidal behavior more frequently than their coupled counterparts. And it’s not just from crippling loneliness that comes with spending night after nigh ton the couch with a growing number of cats. 

Coupled people really do have a health advantage. Like less pain.  A 2010 study published in PLoS ONE found that feelings of euphoria associated with romantic love active the brain’s reward system and reduces physical thermal pain. The study had love-struck participants less than nine months into a new relationship hold heat block.  They were then asked to complete three tasks: look at pictures of their significant other, look at pictures of equally attractive strangers, and complete a word-association distraction task that has been shown to reduce pain. 

Participants reported less pain with both the partner pictures and the distraction test, but only the partner pictures activate dares of the brain associated with reward systems suggesting love really is a drug-free pain remedy. Being in love — especially when you're nuts about someone in the early phases of a relationship— releases hormones in the brain that actually make you happier. 

According to a 2010 study by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University, brains in relationships produce cortisol, a stress hormone that regulates and moderates the effects of stress on the body.  Romantic love also activates dopa mine-rich areas in the brain according to a 2005 study in the Journal of Neurophysiology.  These are the parts of the brain associated with reward, desire, addiction and euphoric states, so basically all those things that make you feel amazing. Which is just a great thing overall.  A 2000 study by the U. S.  Bureau of the Census, found that people in long-term relationships simply live longer, and that’s even when adjusted for socioeconomic factors. So, great! But kinda depressing for singles… good thing friendships are also really important! Our social inclinations mean that we support each other in living the best lives we can, helping us stick with healthy diets, encouraging us to follow exercise routines, and also promoting vital relaxation by just spending social time together. There have been dozens of studies that say satisfying relationships with family and friends have similar health benefits to being in love. 

Strong friendships have been found to relieve stress, which in turn contributes to healthy coronary arteries, gut function, insulin regulation, and immune system.  Having a network of important relationships can also make a difference in the elderly, reducing the risk of dementia in people over 75. Like everything in our lives, the quality of these relationships matter.  The most positive, healthy relationships and friendships will have the best benefits for our health while toxic friendships with negative people will have the reverse effect.  Some research has even found that couples going through big fights have lowered immune systems.

And it’s not just preventative medicine that relationships are good for.  People with strong relationships are 50% more likely to survive a life-threatening illness than people with weaker ones.  There’s nothing wrong with leaning on friends if you’re going through rough times.  It might save your life. So taking time to invest and maintain the best relationships in your life isn’t just good for your social life, it’s good for your health for the rest of your life. And if you’re thinking of letting that special loved one know just how much you appreciate how much they make your whole life better, remember that Kay Jewelers is the number one jewelry store in America.

So real friends are great! But it turns out, Internet-friends are pretty good for your health, too.  We explore those relationships a little more in this video right here. We’ll put a link in the description for those of you on mobile. How have good friends impacted your life? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe for more DNews every day of the week. How have good friends impacted your life? Let us know in the comments below and keep coming back to Test Tube for more DNews every single day of the week. How have good friends impacted your life?

Family Ragu with Gennaro Contaldo

I am Genarro Contaldo and this is my family dish Its so good olive oil goes in 500 gram top side of beef you can use brisket as well its fantastic roughly this is the size you want 500 grams of spare ribs 200 grams of sausages just cut them in half mix in mix in mix in yeah I can hear that beautiful noise. 

I wanted you get two bay leafs come on I’m going to put three inside don't just put the leaf break it inside seal the meat properly i want it all like this one onion don't worry if its not too thin the onions will dissolve it come and have a look get inside look at the colour pork next everything tasting good wine goes in the wine you drink is the one you use do not use the cooking one come on what is it cooking wine colour water no way its almost dancing inside let the wine evaporate.

So what you do you evaporate the alcoholi want the onions to sweat not to burn do you know what the difference between sweat and burn. I tell you you need a bit of exercise so you go jogging what you do when your jogging you sweat that is sweat burn you go to a holiday anywhere round the world including Italy you stand under the sun for two hours or three hours and you burn you don't want to do that three tins of tomato chopped they kiss each other when they go all in give them a little stir remember its still on a high flame put about half a glass of wine two tablespoons of concentrated tomatoes you dissolve it inside the wine now fill it up with water two three pour it inside stir it can you see the bubbling? on the side when it starts to do that lovely bunch of basil lower the gas its all bubbling fantastic let it cook slowly slowly for about two hours memory back and I'm not joking .

I remember my mom when she used to do this for a sunday lunch come and have a look inside come on this is the perfect ragu which goes well with perfect tagliatelle if you want to see me how i make this tagliatelle click the link now look at that as soon as i put the pasta inside it started dancing yes the smell brings my memory back i cant actually say anything when you kiss with the parmesan on top like a bride and groom throwing confetti on the top drizzle of oil and just enjoy it so delicious do you want some bellisimo if you want to see more of my fantastic recipes from the Almalfi coast click on this link now to see the latest recipe from Jamie Olivers food tube channels you must subscribe it is very easy love you

How to quickly make Chocolate Chip Cookies to amaze your family and friends!

Hello everyone welcome to my kitchen I will be making some really delicious chocolate chip cookies today I’m going to start with 40 grams of soft brown sugar.

I'm then going to add 60 grams of carster sugar 150 grams of soften unsalted butter and1 egg yolk and you ok just put that in I'm going to whisk it for couple of minutes it starts off quite yellow but just carry on until its a pale colour right so I'm going to add half a teaspoon of vanilla extract I've got 225 grams of self raising flour I'm just going to tip it all in here.

I've got 150 grams of chocolate chips if you've can't get hold of these you can just chop some dark chocolate or milk chocolate I'm just putting in roughly 100 grams but I will leave this bit to put them on top once they ready I I will just fold it all in and once you see that it is coming together I like to use my hands because it's just and so much easier because you can really get the feel of the doe now you see that the door is slightly wet because it gives the perfect cookie and that's it doe is read.  I've got two baking trays and I have lined them with non-stick baking paperI will take 1 tablespoon of the duo at a time if you take this size then it roughly gives you around 20-25 cookies this doe you can just change this mixture and kind of do your own thing you can add white chocolate to this you can add dark chocolate milk chocolate I'm keeping a bit of distance between them because they are going to spread when in the oven. 

So we are going to decorate them with these chocolate drops sometimes if I'm making for us I'll just put a pecan in the middle or any nut you like because it just is absolutely delicious with these cookies so these are ready to go in the oven I've put the oven preheated at 180 degrees Celsius and I'm going to put them both together these look really good and I will quickly move them onto a wire rack to cool because they are really soft right now and once they cool down they will be really nice and crispy and gooey in the middle now you can wait till it goes completely cool but I can't so I'm going to have a little taste just beautiful and gooey inside really really lovely! so definitely give them a go and and if you want more Recipe ideas then do subscribe to my channel and I'll see you guys very soon!