Sunday, March 27, 2016

Home Insurance Quotes

Learn what factors impact your Homeowners Insurance quote.

What Information Will I Need?

Your time is important, so we'll try to get you through the quote process as quickly as possible. In many cases we can fill in your property information automatically based on public records, but having the following information nearby will make things easier:

Your current policy (if you have one)

    Home purchase date

    Approximate year your home was built

    Approximate total living area (sq. ft.)

    Roof material type and approximate age of roof

    Foundation type

    Material on outside walls

    Any home safety devices you have (fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, dead bolts, etc.)

If you're a condo homeowner, learn about the information you'll need on hand to get a condo insurance quote.

What Factors Affect My Rate?

When you request a home insurance quote, the calculated rate – and ultimately the cost of your home insurance policy – is influenced by several factors:

    Your Home's Age & Condition: Homeowners insurance quotes from Liberty Mutual are designed to capture the current value of your home based on the information you provide, including building materials and the condition of key components such as the roof, furnace, electrical and plumbing systems. If you have an older home, the materials used to build it may now be unavailable or more expensive to replace.

    Your Home's Replacement Value: A key factor that affects home insurance rates is the estimated cost of replacing your house. Not the current tax assessment or market value of your home, but the actual cost to rebuild the structure of your home. So for example, if your home was knocked over in a storm – how much would it cost to rebuild it? That's the replacement value. And not only are materials and labor taken into account, but so is inflation and availability of materials.

    Your Address: Where you live will influence your home insurance quote. Certain areas that are more heavily affected by weather and other factors tend to produce more claims, causing home insurance rates to be higher. This means that you may pay higher premiums if, for example, you live near a large body of water, or in a neighborhood prone to brush fires or mud slides. Repair and construction costs also vary by region, which is another factor in your home insurance quote.

    Safety and Security: Having dead bolt locks, a burglar alarm, smoke detectors and other home safety features will all help you save money on your home insurance quote.

Understanding these factors and ways to qualify for Home Insurance Discounts will help you save on the cost of homeowners insurance. If you already have a policy and are comparing home insurance quotes, it helps to review your existing home insurance policy for current coverage, limits and deductible amounts.

What Coverage is Best for Me?

When purchasing a home insurance policy, you want to make sure that you're getting the coverage you need to fit your specific situation. You can learn more in our Home Insurance Coverage section. Once you're ready, you can get an online home insurance quote and we can answer any questions you have along the way.

What if I Need to Talk to Someone?

If you need help during the online quote process, agents are available to chat with you online while you're in the quoting application. But you can also give us a call or contact your Local Agent to get the same great customer experience.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Select the right relationship

I want everybody to close their eyes. I want you to imagine being in love. Maybe you have been in love, maybe you hope to be in love. What was that like? Your heart starts racing, your stomach gets all weird. You call up your best friend and say:" Oh, my gosh, I think I just met the love of my life!" In three weeks. We figured that out so quick. 

We make these very quick decisions. All of our emotion comes rushing so quickly. But then, what happens down the road? We realize, "What were we thinking?"50% of marriages fail.  Why? Two of my very good friends called me within a week of each other and told me that their marriage of over ten years had failed, even though everyone else around them knew that they weren't making a good decision at the time. You know, my best friend -Her mother and I knew over ten years ago that the guy that she picked was kind of controlling; he was dismissive towards women, and he really wanted a woman that would stay home, cook, clean, and have their child. And my friend was not at all interested in that, she was singing jazz in New York City. She was very happy to have that life, but that's not what he was interested in. But somewhere along the way, she fell in love with him, and so she sacrificed for the family, she sacrificed for what she thought was the right decision. And ten years down the road, she realized she didn't recognize herself, and then she decided to leave. 

A women asked me the other day -she was complaining, at 40, saying that there was no good men left. And she said that the only men that are out there are the Peter Pan guys. The men who, as she described, don't want to grow up, that they don't want to have kids, they don't want to get married, they don't want to settle down. And she spent all her time and energy trying to 'un-Peter-Pan' them. And she asked me, what do I think, why does this come about, why can't she find anybody, and why can't she fix this situation. So I say to her: "How honest do you want me to be? "And she said, "Oh, yes, very honest! I'm really serious.  I want to fix this problem.  How do I do this? "And I said: "Well, I think you're investing all your energy in people that are really happy. They're totally fine. Why should they get married, have kids, and settle down? They don't want to, you do. "So, the issue is your focus, the issue is your perspective. How are we selecting partners? 

And why are we trying to force them to change? Or, why are we ignoring who they are, or the red flags that are right in front of our face ?I have women all the time, complaining - in their 30s, 40s, and 50sthat they can't find the man of their dreams or woman of their dreams. I have men complaining that they feel that they're being overlooked because they are the good guy, the nice guy, the friend, and what they find is that people are dating the unavailable person, the player, the pathological liar, the person who's already married. So, we make all these decisions in our relationships, and we end up two, three years down the road, ten years down the road, in despair. We struggle to try to find the relationship that we want, whether that leads to marriage or just to long term commitment. Why do we repeat this cycle over and over and over again? And the woman that asked me earlier- that I had talked about, that asked my advice about why this happens -says: "Oh, no! 

I don't date the Peter Pan guys. I just see them out there. Well, except the last two relationships, I did date the Peter Pan guy. ""Oh, OK, so, you do date them.  So why do you choose them? "She couldn't really explain it. And then she just kept coming back and saying: "No, no, I don't really date them. ""OK, except the last two. "So, she became really defensive in this conversation and was denying the truth that everyone else around her could see- the people that loved her the most, her friends, her family. So I asked myself: on the path of love, what happens? 

What do we do? It starts off beautiful, wonderful, perfect. You're totally in love with this person in a very short period of time. And then, we see a red flag, but we ignore it because we say: "No, no.  It must be us.  We're crazy.  We're too picky. "But the problem is that our friends and family see it too. And they are concerned.  

Best 12 Amazing Benefits And Reasons To Love Avocado

Unfortunately, many people do not know, how amazingly beneficial an avocado is.  It is a fount of useful vegetable oils and vitamins, and a ripe avocado fruit can be cooked as a salad, which is a delicious treat for your family.  Today I shall talk about, another12 amazing benefits and reasons to love avocado. 
1: Avocado protects eyesight Avocado contains carotenoids, that protects eyesight, and maintains your vision as long as possible.  Eat an avocado every day, to protect your eyes for years to come. 

2: Grappling with cholesterol You can effectively reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, by eating just one avocado everyday.  It comprises of multiple elements including foliate and vitamin A, which is not only fighting with the bad cholesterol, but also prevents the risk of developing heart disease.

3: It keeps pressure to normal level Avocado helps with hypertension.  It contains high amounts of magnesium and potassium, that helps to lower blood pressure.  It turns out that, the fruit contains several times more potassium and magnesium, than bananas and kiwi. 

4: Avocado prevents hepatitis It is ideal for protecting the liver.  Because avocados are rich in, vitamin C and vitaminE, which prevents hepatitis, as well as reduce the risk of cancer tumors in the liver. 

5: It prevents the risk of cancer Vitamin E, Vitamin A, lutein, monounsaturated fat like oleic acid, all these substances in avocados, allows to avoid and treat cancer, especially breast cancer. 

6: Avocado is a food for the brain How to keep the brain healthy into old age? The answer is, eat avocados everyday.  It increases blood circulation, so that affects the brain.  Avocado protects blood vessels, and its cognitive abilities.  Moreover, a good blood supply improves memory, mood, and increases efficiency. 

7: Avocado helps to lose weight Avocado is the perfect food for those, who are struggling with being overweight.  Yes, avocado itself contains fat, and has a high caloric index.  However, it has a fiber composition, which is able to trick the feeling of hunger, thus not putting the body to gain fat.  Your brain thinks that the body is full, and you lose the annoying extra kilos. 

8: Avocado strengthens the immune system As mentioned above, Avocados are very rich in fiber.  It is essential for the immune system. In addition, its vitamin C increases the immunity. 

9: Avocado cleanses the body Avocado has good amount of glutathione, which cleanses the body.

10: Avocado keeps you young Avocado prolongs youth.  The fruit is rich with vitamin A and E.  They are useful to smoothed wrinkles on the skin, reduces the size of inflamed lesions, acne, and maintain skin elasticity. 

11: Avocado is struggling with women's diseases Women should think about, the incredibly beneficial properties of avocado.  Large amounts of vitamins and minerals, have beneficial effect on many of the organs of the female body.  Avocados can protect your, unborn baby.  Also its folic acid, can reduce the risk of birth defects. 

12: Avocado has a stimulating effect Avocado effectively affects the reproductive system, and its functionality.  

Therefore, the fruit is able to strengthen, and initiate sexual performance, in both men and women. So, what else do you need, to stay healthy in your life? Start eating avocado everyday and stay healthy. 

How to Create Good Karma for Love, Money and Health

Do you feel sometimes I see certain type of event keep repeating themselves in your life? Or would you like to change some situations? Some relationships? Or even if you can't to at least understand why you are in those positions? Or do you feel bad because you have some health issues and your are in pain either physically emotionally or mentally ?Well I'm really happy that you arrived to this website or this video my name is Angela Andueza and I hope can help.

Originally I studied a BA in Management in London, and I worked there for seven years, but then I went back to Spain I quieted all that and I became a teacher and an energy therapist, I have studied many different moralities and for the last two years.

I´ve been doing a training and also working with another tool which is, in my opinion, amazing and the person who teaches it in Spain is not well known but he is a genius and he has been researching this for thirty years and it´s Akashic Records readings through some "keys" that he has developed and we call this process to put "order", and this is. . .  I just wanted to share with you this: the karma energy is like a slow motion movie with these images that leave a trail behind and these memories are energy information around us, and whenever it is dense and it has some trauma some pain, feelings of anger, sadness, fear they keep attracting those type of situations. So what we do with this process: it´s we transmute that memory, that "chaos" memory, into an "ordered" memory.  Why "order"? Because nature when it is in balance it has some inner order, some harmony; the proportions of the molecules, the shapes, the fractal, how the trees and some leaves grow, in that proportion, mathematically, and that's what we do: we take this energy which is dense and with a low vibration and we put it in "order".  And how do we do this?

Well, through forgiveness.  Forgiveness though needs to be understood differently it doesn't mean that you need to Agrium's or think that something terrible funded bust is suddenly okay no it is rather up process of late teen girl releasing and secondly you actually need to buy rates that frequency and sometimes we think we do but we don't because we have all their energies around s that don't allow us to waive rate is strong enough so if you keep watching I'm going to share some really unique information I'll all the energies around us that affect us I'm going to share some tips I'll how you can actually do some heating at home by yourself and of course you can contact me through their website and order Acision reading with me which would be fantastic if I am this position right now to help you we probably where in different situations it passed the house so I thank you ready for giving me the opportunity to be here right now and a hole that you keep worksheet so I'm going to explain to you right now the situation in activity some I'm going to grow picture person there is a simple dro it okay and other draw a picture of some karma memory very out take care energy as we were saying here and these in memory is attached us either to let check points or  chill in energy old love part of our body and a what happens is that it directly affects the way we feel or the way we talk the sky or not memory as ale is said lady friend emotions you could be made for example anger and these and carpenter is said by fear I'm really here.

They see this summer satin this lead 28 and all these emotions are also keeping the memory live in fact for example when we deposition we have hmmm any which come into us we have to deal with it from different angles in my case i for example they can remember now animator bigger I was getting for myself a bigger media like dramatic without helix letters bigger and sometimes these bigger was feeling angry some does he was feeling sad so I have to reconcile all those different emotions and even if be sometimes it's difficult for us to speak about it weekend definitely see how some of those emotions safety net right now even if Haiti’s something that death and related to less anymore best that life so when we do the Haley we start to feel differently and to think differently I went grown-up another I energy aspects that affect us 

Why Love Is So Good For Your Health

Humans are social creatures.  We live together in cities and crave being close to one another. But is being social actually good for our health? Hey guys, Amy here on Dews. Some not great news for single folk.  According to a 2002 review in the American Journal of Sociology, uncoupled people have higher levels of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, adjustment problems, and demonstrate suicidal behavior more frequently than their coupled counterparts. And it’s not just from crippling loneliness that comes with spending night after nigh ton the couch with a growing number of cats. 

Coupled people really do have a health advantage. Like less pain.  A 2010 study published in PLoS ONE found that feelings of euphoria associated with romantic love active the brain’s reward system and reduces physical thermal pain. The study had love-struck participants less than nine months into a new relationship hold heat block.  They were then asked to complete three tasks: look at pictures of their significant other, look at pictures of equally attractive strangers, and complete a word-association distraction task that has been shown to reduce pain. 

Participants reported less pain with both the partner pictures and the distraction test, but only the partner pictures activate dares of the brain associated with reward systems suggesting love really is a drug-free pain remedy. Being in love — especially when you're nuts about someone in the early phases of a relationship— releases hormones in the brain that actually make you happier. 

According to a 2010 study by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University, brains in relationships produce cortisol, a stress hormone that regulates and moderates the effects of stress on the body.  Romantic love also activates dopa mine-rich areas in the brain according to a 2005 study in the Journal of Neurophysiology.  These are the parts of the brain associated with reward, desire, addiction and euphoric states, so basically all those things that make you feel amazing. Which is just a great thing overall.  A 2000 study by the U. S.  Bureau of the Census, found that people in long-term relationships simply live longer, and that’s even when adjusted for socioeconomic factors. So, great! But kinda depressing for singles… good thing friendships are also really important! Our social inclinations mean that we support each other in living the best lives we can, helping us stick with healthy diets, encouraging us to follow exercise routines, and also promoting vital relaxation by just spending social time together. There have been dozens of studies that say satisfying relationships with family and friends have similar health benefits to being in love. 

Strong friendships have been found to relieve stress, which in turn contributes to healthy coronary arteries, gut function, insulin regulation, and immune system.  Having a network of important relationships can also make a difference in the elderly, reducing the risk of dementia in people over 75. Like everything in our lives, the quality of these relationships matter.  The most positive, healthy relationships and friendships will have the best benefits for our health while toxic friendships with negative people will have the reverse effect.  Some research has even found that couples going through big fights have lowered immune systems.

And it’s not just preventative medicine that relationships are good for.  People with strong relationships are 50% more likely to survive a life-threatening illness than people with weaker ones.  There’s nothing wrong with leaning on friends if you’re going through rough times.  It might save your life. So taking time to invest and maintain the best relationships in your life isn’t just good for your social life, it’s good for your health for the rest of your life. And if you’re thinking of letting that special loved one know just how much you appreciate how much they make your whole life better, remember that Kay Jewelers is the number one jewelry store in America.

So real friends are great! But it turns out, Internet-friends are pretty good for your health, too.  We explore those relationships a little more in this video right here. We’ll put a link in the description for those of you on mobile. How have good friends impacted your life? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe for more DNews every day of the week. How have good friends impacted your life? Let us know in the comments below and keep coming back to Test Tube for more DNews every single day of the week. How have good friends impacted your life?

Family Ragu with Gennaro Contaldo

I am Genarro Contaldo and this is my family dish Its so good olive oil goes in 500 gram top side of beef you can use brisket as well its fantastic roughly this is the size you want 500 grams of spare ribs 200 grams of sausages just cut them in half mix in mix in mix in yeah I can hear that beautiful noise. 

I wanted you get two bay leafs come on I’m going to put three inside don't just put the leaf break it inside seal the meat properly i want it all like this one onion don't worry if its not too thin the onions will dissolve it come and have a look get inside look at the colour pork next everything tasting good wine goes in the wine you drink is the one you use do not use the cooking one come on what is it cooking wine colour water no way its almost dancing inside let the wine evaporate.

So what you do you evaporate the alcoholi want the onions to sweat not to burn do you know what the difference between sweat and burn. I tell you you need a bit of exercise so you go jogging what you do when your jogging you sweat that is sweat burn you go to a holiday anywhere round the world including Italy you stand under the sun for two hours or three hours and you burn you don't want to do that three tins of tomato chopped they kiss each other when they go all in give them a little stir remember its still on a high flame put about half a glass of wine two tablespoons of concentrated tomatoes you dissolve it inside the wine now fill it up with water two three pour it inside stir it can you see the bubbling? on the side when it starts to do that lovely bunch of basil lower the gas its all bubbling fantastic let it cook slowly slowly for about two hours memory back and I'm not joking .

I remember my mom when she used to do this for a sunday lunch come and have a look inside come on this is the perfect ragu which goes well with perfect tagliatelle if you want to see me how i make this tagliatelle click the link now look at that as soon as i put the pasta inside it started dancing yes the smell brings my memory back i cant actually say anything when you kiss with the parmesan on top like a bride and groom throwing confetti on the top drizzle of oil and just enjoy it so delicious do you want some bellisimo if you want to see more of my fantastic recipes from the Almalfi coast click on this link now to see the latest recipe from Jamie Olivers food tube channels you must subscribe it is very easy love you

How to quickly make Chocolate Chip Cookies to amaze your family and friends!

Hello everyone welcome to my kitchen I will be making some really delicious chocolate chip cookies today I’m going to start with 40 grams of soft brown sugar.

I'm then going to add 60 grams of carster sugar 150 grams of soften unsalted butter and1 egg yolk and you ok just put that in I'm going to whisk it for couple of minutes it starts off quite yellow but just carry on until its a pale colour right so I'm going to add half a teaspoon of vanilla extract I've got 225 grams of self raising flour I'm just going to tip it all in here.

I've got 150 grams of chocolate chips if you've can't get hold of these you can just chop some dark chocolate or milk chocolate I'm just putting in roughly 100 grams but I will leave this bit to put them on top once they ready I I will just fold it all in and once you see that it is coming together I like to use my hands because it's just and so much easier because you can really get the feel of the doe now you see that the door is slightly wet because it gives the perfect cookie and that's it doe is read.  I've got two baking trays and I have lined them with non-stick baking paperI will take 1 tablespoon of the duo at a time if you take this size then it roughly gives you around 20-25 cookies this doe you can just change this mixture and kind of do your own thing you can add white chocolate to this you can add dark chocolate milk chocolate I'm keeping a bit of distance between them because they are going to spread when in the oven. 

So we are going to decorate them with these chocolate drops sometimes if I'm making for us I'll just put a pecan in the middle or any nut you like because it just is absolutely delicious with these cookies so these are ready to go in the oven I've put the oven preheated at 180 degrees Celsius and I'm going to put them both together these look really good and I will quickly move them onto a wire rack to cool because they are really soft right now and once they cool down they will be really nice and crispy and gooey in the middle now you can wait till it goes completely cool but I can't so I'm going to have a little taste just beautiful and gooey inside really really lovely! so definitely give them a go and and if you want more Recipe ideas then do subscribe to my channel and I'll see you guys very soon!

The Secret to a Happy Family

What makes you a happy parent? How do you raise well-adjusted child and while we're on the subject how do you go from worrying about only your own happiness to caring about everybody around you? How do you do it when for so long you’ve likely had to worry about yourself?

Well luckily for you, you're actually getting a little extra boost. Studies have shown that within days of becoming a parent the neurons in your brain start rewiring themselves to make you a better caregiver.  And as you interact more and more with your child you rapidly grow new brain cells to help make you a better parent. Helping you make the shift from "me" to "we". Well, turns out we're not the only ones who were interested in family dynamics.

The folks behind the new film Wish I Was Here came to us and asked if we could investigate some of the ideas that are tackled in the new film. Out in select theaters July 18th.  Wish I Was Here is about that moment in your life when you go from simply being a member of your family to being the leader of your family. "This is it.  This is the spot. ""What is it? ""This is the spot where I had one of the deepest most sincere spiritual moments of my life.  Last time I had an epiphany it was right here. ""What's an infamy? "An epiphany is when you realize something that you really needed to realize.

It's, you know, sometimes in life you can get kind a stuck and you feel like you should've changed chapters by now but you can't. " We gathered a selection of parents and their children to act as our subjects.  First we asked the parents to step outside.  –Ok Once they were out of sight we asked their kids a series of questions about them. Then we invited each of the parents back in and asked them to tell us how they thought their child answered each question. -Ok-So the first question we asked him was if he could have any wish for you what would it be?-Oh, boy.  Let me. . . tour the world with my band. -Ok, let's see what he said for him to have his band takeoff. *laugh* Very cool-Right on the head. He knows what kind a efforts and persistence I've put into gaining success at music To. . .  be happy and live a long life.  *Laughs*For her to get a better job. -Why do you say that?

Cause we need more money probably. -So why do you think he said that? Maybe cause me and his dad argue about money? My wish will be. . . He will be a happy dad.  -So she just said she wants you to be happy.  Why do you think that is? I've been having ups and downs.  Trying, you know, to get it together so my family's well taken care of and they're happy. -Do you worry about your mom?-Sometimes-Why do you worry about her? Cause her dad died when I started school. Like three days before school happened. Well, he said he does worry about you sometimes.  Why do you think that is? I don't know.  He worries a lot.  I always tell you don't need to worry all the time.  Just be a kid. I guess he is like me.  I worry a lot too-Sometimes-Why do you worry about him?-Well, sometimes he gets a little frustrated on things. Getting jobs.  So he is working hard to get a new job. -Does he have one right now?-No, he is getting one. -Right on the money. 

She worries about you sometimes. Yeah, just trying, you know, to get a job and, you know, it's frustrating.  I hate being turned away. -I worry about her sometimes because she has a pretty stressful life. She does yell a lot. She yells a lot I don't know why. -So was he accurate?-Yes *laughs*That is like my stress response and I start out saying things really softly of what I need to be done around the house and each time I have to say it, it gets a little bit louder-Not at all.  wait, wait, wait.  A little bit-Not at all. -Really? Why not? I mean he's not in danger any time. I mean sometimes the rent.  He pays it late sometimes but other than that we're pretty good- Do you know if he liked his job or not?-I used to work at Children's Hospital. I got let go.  I'm working 9-5 I can't do nothing else. I can't hustle and make extra money.  My whole day is gone.  So that is why I need a night job. When are you going to find time to sleep?-I don't know but right now I don't have time to sleep. 

I work too much already, as you saw, and I have an eight year-old daughter.  She knows that I'm trying to get it together.  She knows. She's, you know, eight years old but she knows.  She's smart.  She knows what's going on. I want to be a provider for her and I want to be able to give her the best. That's my first born, you know.  That's my baby girl. -She especially likes working with kids.  That's why she is teacher but sometimes it's just too much for her. -Do you think he is accurate?-Very accurate.  Yes, it does overwhelm me sometimes because, like I said, I wanna balance everything and to be a good mom and a good teacher and a good wife and a good everything.  It's just. . .  It's stressful.  Sometimes he gets like a thousand-dollar check every day but sometimes he gets nothing because he didn’t sell Life Alerts(?)but on the good days he's happy -The key to being a good parent is being there for your kids not just financially, but physically. -Do you think you spend enough time with her?-Yes-Yes-Time is hugely important but I think too many people waste all the little moments in between. -Do you spend a lot of time with your dad?-Yeah, usually we play games together.

 He is actually learning very well. It's about how you're utilizing the time.  It's in the details.  It's in the small things. We love to gear up for a camping trip and go out and have that event to look forward to, but there's the times in between just when you're sitting on the couch. He's playing and "Hey dad, can you get me something to drink" and you're attentive to that.  You're there for him. -Do you think you get to spend enough time with your son?-Probably not-Yeah, I spend probably half my day with her. -I didn't really quite get that he wanted to spend more time with me from that.  That makes me happy-Is it something you worry about? That you are not getting enough time? Yeah it is.  I mean with all my kids.  It's always a balance it seems. -Welcome back.  Have a seat. If you could have three wishes to make your mom happier what would they be?-Some money so he won't be so stressed about rent. -Money, jewelry and a house.  It's a big apartment but mom wants a house. She could use a vacation somewhere really relaxing.  And also for my dad to be home a little bit more.

Cause he's a firefighter and he works sometimes three days at a time. -Love me, happiness, and caring. -I'm working hard and I think that things are goanna come together financially but the reality of right now what I'm dealing with comes back to making the very most of the time we do have together including all the little times in between. -We as parents need to realize that they're going to have to spend less time with us as they grow up and, you know, maybe that's just the process. -One of my favorite times is in the morning. -You walk me to school. -That is really good quality time. Not this big, you know, thing like a camping trip or a vacation but we walk together to school.  Maybe for 12-15 minutes but that's how we start the day and it's a great time together. -Every minute counts. 

Every second counts.  That we spend time And when they are not with me, if I'm at work or whatever, I know they're in good hands. These are my babies so I owe them that. Being a good parent isn't about how much time you spend with them.  It's about the quality of the time. and that as a direct result of your ability to stay present while you're with them.  Stay tuned for more episodes and check out the movie Wish I Was Here out in theaters July 18th.  I'm Julian and this has been The Science of Happiness. Huuh, Feels good to be back. Soul Pancake! Subscribe! 

World's Strongest Cheerleader

The university of georgia has antecedent by david an all white central years in a very popular cheerleader their and I’m she's also apparently a bodybuilder she let’s say a lot of work out at the gym and apparently in eleven months she added four inches to her arms so um.

She has a quite muscular with no says get that's got to be Photoshop that’s a really online contacts long long her Harmon’s that's really i think that's what the quarterback or something some thing like that very wrong with that picture although she does have the nice slap muscles too so it could be her really feels really bad about having such a uh. ..shocked reaction to her because wise it shopping she worked really hard for that i did something that she finds attractive so letter dude she wants to do at the same time i can't help because I’ve been conditioned by society i think the slick i can't help but think like such a pretty girl why did you do that to your body right eyed and i just want to do it and do feel guilty party doesn't work hard to do it.

 By the way to give me some information on what she can do she can bench press one hundred fifty five pounds. she can squash two hundred fifty five pounds for let's operate their I do I do squat swift like free weights on my shoulders abdicate eyes and bad ass and like you know everyone does at ten ponder here another ten pound a week and I'm thinking yeti got some strong police.

But now apparently i doubt she could bench press to you the irony spot to but you have an unmanned well here's what's most amazing about a third season this great shape if that she's in this great shape and apparently if you believe the story she turned down a very well paying modeling contracts because the insisted that she taking steroids to put on even more muscle so if you believe her story she's in the sky shaken she did it totally naturally right.

 I have my doubts what do you think I don't know like their there's this whole question about whether or not women have enough testosterone naturally to reach that type of physical strength and you know muscular physique and ten months for instance don't know i don't know enough about um. . . those female body to figure out whether or not you can do that naturally.

So I feel bad accusing her of something like that because it really seems like she would you really wanted to turn down dismantling opportunity because they want to hear you take this legal steroid yeah others she said no my body is my temple. I'm not goanna take the steroids later on in the future and one half kids while destroying my ability to have kids and some people are naturally what you’ve done stories on the main show in the past about the babies who can do tadpole lots absorb the barn activate unmade a bit of speculation thought is entirely possible even probable that she turned down this contract because she does not want to take the legal steroids it’s also possible that she turned down the contract because they were going to testing to see if she was already doing illegal steroids and to avoid the test tube with the contract that's a speculation we only hand but turning down money modeling contracts are still young Salinas' Milan for ever yes and like i don't know whether ninety cd steroids but if she is taking steroids to look that way she’s taking like young people drug purposely to look that way yeah she's got stuck death I mean it's it's ruling or not only you know breaking new thing it’s running tests to some degree some people would say her appearance is also ruining her wardrobe it says at the bottom of this his thirty pairs jeans only to fit her five the of July  that all my tough to stop it

The world's largest family reunion

Six months ago, I got an email from a man in Israel who had read one of my books, and the email said, "You don't know me, but I'm your 12th cousin. "And it said, "I have a family tree with 80,000 people on it, including you, Karl Marx, and several European aristocrats. "Now I did not know what to make of this.

Part of me was like, okay, when's he going to ask me to wire 10,000 dollars to his Nigerian bank, right? I also thought, 80,000 relatives, do I want that? I have enough trouble with some of the ones I have already. And I won't name names, but you know who you are. But another part of me said, this is remarkable.
 Here I am alone in my office, but I'm not alone at all. I'm connected to 80,000 people around the world, and that's four Madison Square Gardens full of cousins. And some of them are going to be great, and some of them are going to be irritating, but they're all related to me. So this email inspired me to dive into genealogy, which I always thought was a very staid and proper field, but it turns out it's going through a fascinating revolution, and a controversial one. Partly, this is because of DNA and genetic testing, but partly, it's because of the Internet. There are sites that now take the Wikipedia approach to family trees, collaboration and crowd sourcing, and what you do is, you load your family tree on, and then these sites search to see if the A. J.  Jacobs in your tree is the same as the A. J.  Jacobs in another tree, and if it is, then you can combine, and then you combine and combine and combine until you get these massive, mega-family trees with thousands of people on them, or even millions.

I'm on something on Genii called the world family tree, which has no less than a jaw-dropping 75 million people. So that's 75 million people connected by blood or marriage, sometimes both. (Laughter)It's in all seven continents, including Antarctica. I'm on it.  Many of you are on it, whether you know it or not, and you can see the links. Here's my cousin Gwyneth Paltrow. She has no idea I exist, but we are officially cousins. We have just 17 links between us. And there's my cousin Barack Obama. (Laughter)And he is my aunt's fifth great-aunt's husband’s father’s wife's seventh great-nephew, so practically my old brother. And my cousin, of course, the actor Kevin Bacon --(Laughter) —who is my first cousin's twice removed ‘wife’s niece's husband's first cousin once removed niece's husband. So six degrees of Kevin Bacon, plus or minus several degrees. Now, I'm not boasting, because all of you have famous people and historical figure sin your tree, because we are all connected, and 75 million may seem like a lot, but in a few years, it's quite likely we will have a family tree with all, almost all, seven billion people on Earth. But does it really matter? What's the importance? And I do think it is important, and I'll give you five reasons why, really quickly. First, it's got scientific value.

This is an unprecedented history of the human race, and it's giving us valuable data about how diseases are inherited ,how people migrate, and there's a team of scientists at MIT right now studying the world family tree. Number two, it brings history alive. I found out I'm connected to Albert Einstein, so I told my seven-year-old son that, and he was totally engaged. Now Albert Einstein is not some dead white guy with weird hair. He's Uncle Albert.  (Laughter)And my son wanted to know, "What did he say? What is E = MC squared? "Also, it's not all good news. I found a link to Jeffrey Dahmer,  the serial killer, but I will say that's on my wife's side. (Laughter) (Applause)So I want to make that clear.  Sorry, honey. Number three, disconnectedness. We all come from the same ancestor, and you don't have to believe the literal Bible version, but scientists talk about Y chromosomal Adam and mitochondrial Eve, and these were about 100,000 to 300,000 years ago.

We all have a bit of their DNA in us. They are our great-great-great-great-great-great --continue that for about 7,000 times --grandparents, and so that means we literally all are biological cousins as well, and estimates vary, but probably the farthest cousin you have on Earth is about a 50th cousin. Now, it's not just ancestors we share, descendants. If you have kids, and they have kids, look how quickly the descendants accumulate. So in 10, 12 generations, you're going to have thousands of offspring, and millions of offspring. Number four, a kinder world. Now, I know that there are family feuds. I have three sons, so I see how they fight. But I think that there's also a human bias to treat your family a little better than strangers. I think this tree is going to be bad news for bigots, because they're going to have to realize that they are cousins with thousands of people in whatever ethnic group they happen to have issues with, and I think you look back at history, and a lot of the terrible things we've done to each other is because one group thinks another group is sub-human, and you can't do that anymore. We're not just part of the same species. We're part of the same family.

We share 99. 9 percent of our DNA. Now the final one is number five, a democratizing effect. Some genealogy has an elitist strain, like people say, "Oh, I'm descended from Mary Queen of Scots and you're not, so you cannot join my country club. "But that's really going to be hard to do now, because everyone is related. I'm descended from Mary Queen of Scots --by marriage, but still. So it's really a fascinating time in the history of family, because it's changing so fast. There is gay marriage and sperm donors and there's intermarriage on an unprecedented scale, and this makes some of my more conservative cousins little nervous, but I actually think it's a good thing. I think the more inclusive the idea of family is, the better, because then you have more potential caretakers, and as my aunt's eighth cousin twice removed Hillary Clinton says --(Laughter) —it takes a village.

So I have all these hundreds and thousands ,millions of new cousins. I thought, what can I do with this information? And that's when I decided, why not throw a party? So that's what I'm doing. And you're all invited. Next year, next summer, I will be hosting what I hope is the biggest and best family reunion in history. (Applause)Thank you.  I want you there. I want you there. It's going to be at the New York Hall of Science, which is a great venue, but it's also on the site of the former World's Fair, which is, I think, very appropriate, because I see this as a family reunion meets a world's fair. There's going to be exhibits and food, music. Paul McCartney is 11 steps away, so I'm hoping he brings his guitar. He hasn't RSVP'd yet, but fingers crossed. And there is going to be a day of speakers, of fascinating cousins. It's early, but I've already, I've got some lined up. Cass Sun stein, my cousin who is perhaps the most brilliant legal scholar, will be talking. He was a former member of the Obama administration. And on the other side of the political spectrum, George H. W.  Bush, number 41, the father, he has agreed to participate, and Nick Kroll, the comedian, and Dr.  Oz, and many more to come. And, of course, the most important is that you, I want you guys there, and I invite you to go to Global Family Reunion. organ figure out how you're on the family tree, because these are big issues, family and tribe, and I don't know all the answers, but I have a lot of smart relatives, including you guys, so together, I think we can figure it out. Only together can we solve these big problems. So from cousin to cousin, I thank you.  I can't wait to see you. Goodbye. (Applause)

How Do You Help Clients Receive Medical Care They’re Entitled To?

Many times our clients come to us because they are not certain that they’re receiving the care that they deserve and that they are entitled to. My care coordinator and I will work together to make sure that they are receiving that care.  The care coordinator in my practice is a registered nurse by education, and so she is able to review the chart and meet with the professional staff at that care facility to make sure that the proper care is being delivered.

At the same time, if a client is being told that they are going to be discharged from the hospital or discharged from the skilled nursing facility because they no longer need that level of care, there are specific regulations that require certain language in that discharge notice, and I will review that document to make sure that those requirements have been met. If I feel they have not, then we will appeal to the appropriate government agency to make sure that person receives the care that they need.

Medical care in Amsterdam

The right to medical care is a basic human right. But if you don't have papers, this human right is often beyond reach. Here in Amsterdam, undocumented migrants who turn ill. . . end up in this small medical centre. Anybody can get a consultation here for only five euros. The centre is run by volunteers, mainly retired doctors and nurses. How much was the operation? -3000 euros. Do you have that money? -Oh no. . . You are from Ethiopia.  -Yes. There is a possibility for people who are illegal. . . that it gets paid by the government, but then it has to be medically necessary.

Maybe I'll write a letter to the hospital. . . and maybe you can show it and maybe they can do it anyway. I can't guarantee it, but I think you should go with this letter. Is that okay? To try again? If I take a shower, if I bathe, my body itches.  I scratch myself too much. Can you see something on your skin? -No. Nothing? Nothing to see? -No.  The scratching I feel is inside. Since when are you in Holland? -Six months, now. So maybe you brought it from your home country? Is that possible? What do you say? -You brought it from Sudan? Yes, they say it's possible from Africa. I will take a little bit of your skin for the laboratory. Is it going to be painful? -Well, just a little bit. . . You're a grown man, aren't you? -I know, but I feel pain. Everybody feels pain.  Also dogs and animals.  

They feel pain. This is the piece of skin. By the look of it, there are no worms in the skin. Because I should have seen them swimming. I think, we need to know more. If we want to know more, we have to do a laboratory examination. It wouldn't be very expensive.  -So believe, God will reward you. For what you are doing for people.  -Okay.  Thank you very much. I think I have a serious problem.  I'm already three days late with my. . . Period? -Yes. And my situation makes it impossible to keep it. Did you do a pregnancy test? -Yes. Was it positive? It was positive.  -Yes. When a plus occurs here, she is pregnant. Here it's weak, but it's positive. Do you want an abortion? Or time to think? -I can't keep it.  That's too difficult for me. Abortion clinics.  -Yes, that's a good one. Go there, explain the situation you're in. That you don't have any money.  And that you need an abortion. And wait their response. If they react very negative, then you come back here on Monday. Next Monday.  Then I'm here. All water from the nose? -Yeah, water. 

 All the time. There are times in the morning, when I wake up. . . that also blood comes, sometimes.  -Yeah. This is okay. Okay.  This is okay. Actually I am here for you to fill out this form for me.  I got this from my lawyer. And I want you to fill it out for me. I don't think it is of any importance for your status if you have nose problems. You have to realize that. It is up to you to fill out the form for me.  It is not for you to judge to. . . I'm not to judge.  We are clear.  -Good, no problem. Because I was thinking to do the abortion. . . but me, I will not do the abortion. That I will explain if anybody don't believe my problem. When I deliver that baby.  When that baby is big, I will explain to that baby. Where can I go? I don't have anybody here.  Which kind of problem is this? Why are they doing this to me? I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired. I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired. If the police don't believe me, I don't care.  I don't want to go. When I deliver this, they will believe me.  -Come on, I told you I believe you. What a difficult situation she was in when we filmed her. Let's pray she is doing fine now. What is your experience with medical care? Do you need practical information from a fellow African? Go to the website, and share it.

Why Is U.S. Healthcare So Expensive?

Since President Obama’s Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, Congress has done everything they can to stop it.  They even shut down the government for two weeks.  But the reason Obama care exists in the first place, is due to astronomically high healthcare costs.

In fact, the number one reason Americans file for bankruptcy is due to medical bills.  So, why exactly is US healthcare so expensive? Well, healthcare in the United States is very different from healthcare in the rest of the world.  The US is one of the only developed countries without universal healthcare for its citizens.  Often times, care is treated as a commodity, rather than a necessity.  Instead of prices being set by procedure cost, hospitals and insurance companies negotiate for prices that are based on bargaining power.

Meanwhile, patients have almost no influence on the cost, considering that there is often no alternative to being treated. But some have pointed out that unlike other commodities, healthcare costs tend to rise without ever going down, leading to a perpetually increasing price point.  One of the reasons for this is that hospitals are responsible for treating uninsured patients.  The cost of their treatment is passed on to insured patients, and is tacked onto their care.  Additionally, US hospitals spend considerably more than any other country on administrative costs. Doctors also earn much more for the same procedures than in other countries.

Even drug costs are higher, as the US does not negotiate drug purchases in bulk.  From top to bottom, healthcare suppliers charge Americans more money. However, alongside providers being overcharged, some higher costs can be blamed on Americans themselves.  In the US, preventative care is less stressed, and as such, Americans don’t go to the doctor until they absolutely have to.  For example, in other countries, citizens avoid heart attacks by visiting the doctor more frequently.  And even when they do get heart attacks, they are less likely to receive costly open heart surgery.

But in the US  doctors make more money for performing certain procedures.  Thus there is an incentive to push expensive, and sometimes unnecessary surgeries. Sadly, despite spending considerably more on healthcare than any other nation on earth, the US has one of the worst health care systems among developed nations.  In an international profile of worldwide healthcare, the US has ranked dead last when compared to similar nations.  Although the Affordable Care Act is in effect, insurers and pharmaceutical companies are still raking in billions, all while Americans suffer from a lower standard of care. Because healthcare is so expensive, many Americans are crossing borders to get dental care, heart surgery, and more — as are millions of other people around the world.

How To Set Up Your HOME Medical Alert System

 Hi, I m going to show you how easy it is to set up your new Home Medical Alert System from Medical Care Alert This system is made by BOSCH, a worldwide leader in healthcare and communications technology.  You have made a great decision!
Just to review what the system does, when you press the button it signals the console to contact our emergency response monitoring center over your phone line.  When the monitoring center answers, you will speak with an EMT Certified agent over the two way speakerphone built into the console The agents know who you are, will take appropriate action, and will stay on the line until help arrives.

And if for any reason they cannot hear you, or you are unable to speak, they will act as if there is an emergency and dispatch EMS services right away.  Now let s see what sin the box: First is a set of instructions and your Personal Profile and contract please complete, sign and return right away Next is the main console with power cord and phone line Buttons set up as either a pendant or wrist A phone line connector called a T-Connector And a DSL Filter Setting up your home Medical Alert System: Step

1: Plug the phone Adapter(1) into home phone jack Step 2: Plug the large end of the supplied phone cord

 2: into the Phone adapter s (1) large opening, and the small end into the Alarm Unit marked TELE Step
3: Plug your home phone line into the Adapter s (1) small opening.  Lift telephone receiver and check for dial tone. 

If no dial tone review your steps and try again.  Step4: Plug Power Adapter (3) into an AC outlet that is NOT controlled by a light switch, and connect the end to the unit marked POWER.  Do not plug into a power strip, unit must be on its own power.  Step 5: Turn on the power switch.  The light on front of the unit should be Solid green.  Before we test the system, let me show you what everything is RED BUTTON signals an emergency call just like your button green button cancels a call use in case of a false alarm or accidental push yellow button is not active and used only in hospital settings Microphone (under red button Speaker STICKER WITH TEST PHONE NUMBER STICKER WITH YOUR PERSONALACCOUNT NUMBER Now, let s test the HOME Medical Alert System: Call 1-877-913-5699 to put your unit on LIVE TEST MODE. 
They will ask for your PASSWORD this is the same as your ACCOUNTNUMBER ON THE STICKER After you hang up with the operator, press your pendant or wristband button once (not the button located on the base unit).  There will be a series of beeps, you may hear a dialing sound, and lastly the unit will go silent.  It will take 60-90 seconds don t disconnect, hang up or press your button again. 

An operator will come on and let you know that the signal was received.  The operator will verify your address and answer any questions. Set up is complete!! SOME DO'S AND DON'TS FOR YOUR HOME MEDICAL ALERT SYSTEM: DO'S: Set-up your unit in a centrally located place.  This allows two-way communication to be used effectively.  During your first test, do a range test to make sure we can hear you throughout the home.  Reposition the unit if necessary.  Test your system weekly, and call us first before testing You only need to press your button ONE TIME for help pressing the button repeatedly will cause it to redial and delay the signal Send back your Personal Profile and contract right away T use a power strip, extension cord or plug controlled by a light switch T change our phone cord it is a special cord for medical alarms T press the button repeatedly it only makes the system redial again delaying your call for help.  Press only once. 

T test without calling us first otherwise you ll tie up our emergency operators on a non-emergency call T change your phone service provider without checking with us first some of the inexpensive phone services won t work with this system TROUBLESHOOTING Remember, MagicJack and Vonagedon t work with our system, and they do not recommend using their phone service with any medical alert system When you test the system and we can t hear you or it sounds funny, you may have a phone line that requires our DSL Filter.  If your phone service from your cable company or internet provider, or have been told you have a DSL phone system you’ll need to connect this DSL filter to the phone jack.  s easy Just unplug the T-connector splitter from the phone jack Plug in the DSL Filter Plug in the T-Connector Check for dial tone and then test your system again Any other problems, just call our customer service line Thanks for choosing Medical Care Alert.  We hope you never have to use your system, but we will be ready if you do.

Milton Friedman Speaks: The Economics of Medical Care

Reality - captured in  user friendly symbols and processed for understanding.
The Idea Channel I'm very glad to introduce our speaker, Milton Friedman as a friend.  Milton, the floor is yours.  (applause)Thank you, Bill.  I'm going to talk about the economics of medical care. This is an area in which, as we all know, there has been a trend toward ever greater government involvement.  

Chairman K eating referred essentially to that trend in his comments.  One step in this area inevitably leads to another.  We have had an expansion of government involvement in the spending of money; Medicare, Medicaid funds, expenditures by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for other medical purposes have been growing by leaps and bounds.  They have gone from a very tiny portion of total national expenditures on medical care to a substantial portion.  The spending for the provision of medical care inevitably leads to control over the fees that are charged for medical care.  And it should.  If government is going to spend money, it ought to be concerned with what it pays for what it gets. Control over fees inevitably leads to control over the practices that are followed. . .  over the behavior of the medical personnel.  And if this trend continues, it inevitably leads to completely socialized medicine.  

I believe that this trend, including many of the steps that have already been taken, is very much against the interests of patients, of physicians, and of other health care personnel. And in the brief time I have available today, I want to explain why I believe the trend is so much against their interest, why it has occurred, and what if anything can be done about it. The trend toward increasing government involvement in health care is not an isolated phenomenon; it is not restricted to health care. It is part of a general trend in our society toward replacing voluntary free-market arrangements by government control and regulation.  It is a trend that is happening allover; it has happened in one industry after another.  There is nothing special in this respect about the move to replacing private voluntary medical arrangements with compulsory governmental arrangements.  This movement in the medical care field is not special in another sense. In industry after industry, producers who protest most strongly their belief in free markets have fostered and helped produce government takeover, government regulation, government control.  The oldest historical case was in the railroad industry, where the railroad entrepreneurs helped to foster upon us the Interstate Commerce Commission and all that followed. 

The same thing has been true in every other area.  Most recently, the steel industry, which talked so loudly of its belief in free enterprise, has been strongly in favor of government restrictions on imports, in favor of tariffs and the like. In medicine, this same process has been at work. Indeed I would say that it is particularly true in medicine.  A large part of the pressure for socialized medicine in the United States, in my opinion, and I may say this is not merely opinion; it is based on considerable examination of the evidence, a large part of the pressure has derived from the policies which have been followed over the decades by the American Medical Association, policies which were adopted in the name of improving medical care, policies which I have no doubt that the leaders of medicine regarded as desirable for improving medical care, but policies which have in practice had the effect of restricting entry into medicine, holding down both the quantity and the quality of medical care, and inhibiting the most efficient modes of providing and distributing medical care. 

There has been great progress in the provision of medical care in the United States; it has been a great achievement, but it's been an achievement despite many of the best efforts of the American Medical Association, not because of it.  This is a particularly appropriate place to illustrate my point, because the Myoclonic is a shining example of how medical care might have developed in the United States, if it had not been for the power of organized medicine. 

The Mayo Clinic started, as you all know, in the late part of the nineteenth century or the early part of the twentieth century; the exact dating is a question of dispute.  But the important point is that it started before 1910. 1910 was the year in which there appeared the famous Flexner Report, Abraham Flexner's report on American medical schools, which provided the basis for an enormous expansion in the power and the control which organized medicine was able to exercise over medical education and over medical practice.  That power was used effectively in the 1920 s, in the 1930 s and later, to hamper at every turn the kind of group practice that Mayo Clinic is so successful at. I venture to predict that if the brothers Mayo had tried to organize the clinic and its practice as they did in the 1920 s or 30 s, I doubt very much that anything comparable to the Mayo Clinic could ever have developed or been achieved.